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Massachusetts Orchid Society

Monthly Meeting

  • 09 Nov 2010
  • 7:30 PM
  • Arlington Seniors Center, 27 Maple St, Arlington, MA
Monthly meeting starts at 7:30 p.m.

The speaker is Dr. Glenn C. Lehr with New World Orchids

Dr. Lehr lives with his wife Maria in Manchester, Michigan, a small farming community west of
Ann Arbor.

As a Captain, he spent 10 years in the USAF, and enrolled in the University of Michigan's
Dental School in 1968. To pay for his education, he worked his farm in Manchester, MI. He
retired in 1992 and started growing orchids as a hobby. He is one of the founding members of
the Ann Arbor Orchid Society, and served on its Board and as its President for several years.

He started a commercial orchid nursery in 1997, New World Orchids, with emphasis on the
orchids of Ecuador, Colombia and Costa Rica. He had a home in Costa Rica for 12 years,
getting to know the various orchids and growers there. He had a greenhouse in Banos,
Ecuador, until Mount Tungurahua erupted!

He has sold at orchid shows and given talks to orchid societies throughout the US, Canada,
England and Japan. He has been a vendor and judge at the Grand Prix International Orchid
Festival in Tokyo, Japan for eleven years, and the World Orchid Festival in Japan for nine

After attending a few of these shows, he decided to try to bring some of the Japanese orchids
to the US, as most were compact, fragrant, and highly desirable. Except for the most common
varieties, many of the native Japanese orchids were unobtainable outside of Japan. New
World Orchids now has more than two hundred varieties of Neofinetia falcata, fifty varieties of
Dendrobium moniliforme as well as several forms of Sedirea japonica, Sophronitis species and

The talk given to societies is a combination of Orchid Shows in Japan, Japanese Orchids, and
a tour of the people, cities and culture of Japan.
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