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Massachusetts Orchid Society

MOS Picnic & BBQ

  • 18 Jun 2011
  • 12:30 PM - 3:30 PM
  • Bob Richter's Home & Greenhouse

Bob Richter has been kind enough to open his home for a picnic. Join us for a barbecue and potluck lunch and explore Bob's beautiful greenhouse filled with thousands of orchids.


The MOS will provide drinks, hot dogs, and hamburgers. Please RSVP by Saturday, June 11th so we know how much food to buy.  Look for an Evite in your mailbox. If you do not receive one, please RSVP to

Please note: To give our grill masters time to enjoy the event, the grill will run from 1pm-2pm.

The rest of the food is up to you! Suggested dishes (by first letter of last name) are:

  • A-F Desserts
  • G-L Appetizers / Chips & Dip
  • M-Z Salads

Spouses, significant others and orchid friends are welcome!

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