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Massachusetts Orchid Society

Monthly Meeting - Bob Hesse "Orchid Murders”

  • 14 Jan 2020
  • 7:30 PM
  • Sons of Italy Hall, 117 Swanton St, Winchester, MA.

Bob Hesse, AOS Judge for over 40 years, orchid wizard, and acclaimed photographer will be presenting: Orchid Murders, an interactive program.

Bob's orchid photos have won medals at the Miami International Orchid Show, Mass OS, CAIOS, and NHOS as well as the New England Wild Flower Soc. With 9 photos in the permanent collection of the Boston Athenaeum, 7 which were purchased outright and two which were commissioned. He will be bringing examples of his work, some of which may be in the monthly raffle!

The monthly meeting starts at 7:30 PM. Please have your plants on the show table by 7 PM.

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