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Massachusetts Orchid Society

Monthly Meeting - MOS Holiday Party!

  • 08 Dec 2020
  • 7:30 PM

The Massachusetts Orchid Society welcomes you to our member-exclusive Holiday Party. 

Orchid Photos, Auctioning, Raffles, and More...

During this monthly meeting, held online on December 8th, 2020 beginning at 7:30pm, we will celebrate the end of this very unique year for MOS and it's members. We will showcase the people's choice winners of this past year and decide the ultimate 2020 People's Choice winner.

We will have live bidding (virtual) during the event with auction plants and raffle winners will be drawn as well.


Please take a look at this year's catalog of great orchids! Items are separated by Online Only, Live Party, and Raffles/Purchases.

Please be aware that MOS is not interested in shipping orchids won during the Online Auction, bidders must be willing to pick-up their plants in the week following the auction. Please choose your closest pick-up location during registration. Society members have graciously agreed to disperse the plants to their homes around Boston following the end of both auctions. Please plan on picking your orchids up from these designated locations following social distancing guidelines and expect to be contacted to do so.

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Meeting ID: 984 9434 1349

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